Glazed Earl Grey Pound Cake

Miriam and I visited Edinburgh, Scotland, about a year and a half ago, and one of the first places we visited was the Elephant House, also known as “the birthplace of Harry Potter.” JK Rowling wrote a lot of the early Harry Potter books while siting in the Elephant House and looking out at Edinburgh Castle. And let me tell you, eating in that dining room looking at the castle felt like I was eating somewhere with a view of Hogwarts. It was beautiful!

But I digress. As much as I love Harry Potter, that isn’t the point of this. I didn’t leave the Elephant House feeling inspired to write; I felt inspired to bake! For dessert, I had ordered a slice of Earl Grey cake, and it was the most delicious thing ever. I couldn’t wait to try to recreate the recipe! Of course, I kept forgetting about it, even though I had a note saved on my iPhone that simply said, “Earl Grey cake.” Finally, after much delay, I made a gluten free and vegan Earl Grey cake.

The cake I had in Scotland was a slice of a two-layer cake with vanilla frosting, but I decided to change it up. While looking through various Earl Grey cake recipes online, the one that sounded the best to me was this one posted by the 350 Degree Oven for a pound cake. To make it even sweeter, I originally planned to top it with a lavender-infused glaze, but my grocery store’s lack of dried lavender forced me to change my plans and make a more basic glaze. Without further ado, here is the Pacey’s Place recipe for vegan and gluten free Earl Grey pound cake:

Earl Grey ingredients Continue reading